“Oh Tigger, where are your manners?” asked Winnie the Pooh. Tigger answered, “I don’t know but I bet they are having more fun than I am!” – from ‘Pooh’s Little Etiquette Book’ by A. A. Milne While the topic of manners might sound boring and staid, it is actually a very importan
You can help children think critically as you share your favorite books and stories. The delightful process of sharing stories and books with young children provides the perfect opportunity to help children develop important critical-thinking skills. You can use story themes and characters as the sp
June 15,2019
“How You and Your Child Can Get the Most Out of Your Local Library”- By Prof. Ellen Booth Church

Imagine walking into your public library with “child eyes”. What would you see? What invites and excites? What might overwhelm? What would you want to do? Your local library is the perfect setting to welcome your child to the magical world of books. It is a place filled with wonder to young eyes
Increasing demand for high quality early education and care, Kinderpillar PreSchool and structured Daycare Awarded “Best PreSchool chain” by ASSOCHAM India, is the best business opportunity for young entrepreneurs and business houses. Even, existing Schools and preschools are upgrading b
It is that time of year…the start of a new season and a new school term. Another word we can use is “Transition” it is a time that children are learning Language and Literacy! It is the perfect time to introduce, explore and practice the literacy skills you teach throughout the day. In fact, t
As the name suggests, Kinderpillar PreSchools aim at integrating the best and most advanced educational theories and practices from the USA with the cultural richness and values of India. An internationally-renowned educationist, with over 35 years of experience in Early Childhood Education, Prof. E
In the last blog I talked about Dr. Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences and how this applies to the Kinderpillar educational programs. In this blog we will look at some of the fun ways we do this in our programs. Thinking Outside the Box…Team Work One of the most fulfilling
The Kinderpillar curriculum focuses on helping children build the essential critical, creative and flexible thinking skills that will support their learning and study throughout their lives. A large part of this is related to the STEM (Science, Math, Engineering, Math) or STEAM (Science, Math, Engin
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” -Pablo Picasso What does the month of December mean to you and your family? For many it is a time to celebrate the closeness of family and friends and also a time to look beyond that circle […]
As early childhood educators and parents we know that hands-on experiences with creative activities and materials is what the children call the “good stuff” of learning. Young children learn science, math and literacy academic skills through art, music, movement and drama activities. The Arts ar