“How to Teach Children to Love Learning.”- Part 3 (Classroom Settings)

Arranging Your “I LOVE LEARNING” Classroom The way you arrange your setting has a strong effect on children’s opportunities to fall in love with learning…and life. If you strictly control how children use space and spend time, you limit their chances to make decisions, and experiment with ma

“How to Teach Children to Love Learning.”- Part 2 (Role of a Teacher)

YOU (Teacher)Create the EnvironmentYou are the important ingredient in teaching a child to love learning. In fact, you are the cornerstone of the classroom environment. No matter if you are in a tiny basement classroom or a huge sunny space, it is your interactions with children that turn any place

“Look What I Did!”-The Science of Kids and Toys- Guided by Ellen Booth Church

How many times have you heard your child say, “Look what I did…Look what I found” with delightful amazement? The discovery of an interesting flower, rock, or button may seem inconsequential to adults but can become the basis for great opportunities for thinking, problem solving and fun.A walk