Let’s continue our journey to a child’s inner world through his drawings. This section includes the following points in regard with drawing process: Common Myths Use of specific Colours House drawings Tree drawings Common Myths This is an important step towards the journey, to dispel some common
February 23,2017
Interpreting Children’s Inner world Through their drawings- Part 1
What a child draws is just like an open window that sheds light into her inner world. Each drawing has its own journey which describes a child’s personality and behavior. Children’s drawings or scribbles or handwriting are an excellent opportunity for parents and educators to understand their mi
Music, movement and art are a vital part of your child’s creative educational growth. Experiences with the Arts support your child’s innate desire to create, build on his natural curiosity, and open avenues for self-expression and learning in all curriculum areas. Recent studies support the impo
“You are never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child.” -Dr. Seuss I have talked about the importance of reading to your child in previous Kinderpillar blogs. That simple fact cannot be stressed too much. You actually are teaching your child how to read, just by [&he
In early childhood education sector, three major trends or movements are on rise which are getting popular among early learning centers, preschools and day care centers across the globe. These trends are helping schools grow professionally and also to the parents’ satisfaction. 1. Professionaliz
Studies are showing that children all over the world are getting too sedentary. They sit more than they move. With the prevalence of growing technology, children are sitting in front of screens more than any time in history. Children need to move and they move to learn. In fact, children make sense
May 10,2016
Hands-on Brain-Building Activities
Recent research of the developing brain shows that there is a strong connection between the brain and the body. In fact, studies show that activities, which use the small muscles of the hand, actually help with your child’s brain development. Here are some interesting brain-building activities you
April 07,2016
The Power of Laughter
“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.” -Pianist and humorist, Victor Borge We have all heard it…that wonderful sound of a child’s laughter. It can brighten your day and change your mood. We know the power of changing the mood of a difficult situation with kind humor and a
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.”- Educator, Horace Mann The great outdoors is your child’s “other” classroom. Studies are showing that young children need to interact with natural materials in the real world around them to develop higher or
October 01,2014
Playing with Puppets Builds Children’s Brains
Have you ever had the wonderful experience of introducing a puppet to your child? Children as young as babies are enthralled by the magic and creativity of puppet play. They light up when they see and hear an adorable puppet actually talking to them! While we understand that puppet play is good for